
“There is a great longing within each of us. We long to discover the secrets and mysteries of our individual lives, to find our unique way of belonging to this world.”

Bill Plotkin

This quote summarizes the work I’m so passionate about: helping people rediscover their wholeness and create well-being through exploration, discovery, and growth. 

I believe that every person is fundamentally whole, with essential inner value and wisdom, and that we are meant to lead meaningful, fulfilling lives – whatever that means to each of us. 

Don’t get me wrong: life will still knock us around a bit (or a lot), and this is not about being perfect.  What it DOES mean is that no one is damaged or broken.  No one is not good enough, not enough, undeserving, or too much. No one. 

We all develop beliefs based on our experiences, whether we’re conscious of them or not. Those beliefs aren’t facts, although we often mistake them for facts.  Beliefs are powerful stories we tell ourselves, shaping our mindsets, thinking, emotions, choices, and behavior in all sorts of ways. 

Knowing this, we can examine our beliefs compassionately and choose which ones we believe.  Instead of operating from beliefs that limit who we are and how we show up for life, we can cultivate ones that source from our own inner wisdom and wholeness.  Then we can operate from this strength to create lives full of vitality, connection, meaning, and fun.

We are only in these meat suits for a short time.  Why not make the most of it?

Four Life Dimensions: Personal Mastery, Connection, Belonging, and Joy

That’s why I love Mary Oliver’s description, ‘one wild and precious life.’  As I’ve navigated my own life journey and helped others do the same, I’ve come to a deep knowing that a wild and precious life includes four important, interrelated dimensions: Personal Mastery, Connection, Belonging, and Joy.  These are the focus of how I guide others on this path.

Personal Mastery is the combination of awareness, management, and support of the self.  This is a biggie.  It means being aware of and taking 100% responsibility for who we are and how we show up in any given moment, knowing that the only thing we can control in this world is ourselves.  It also means that we treat ourselves with integrity and care.  Instead of allowing inner critics, judges, blamers, shamers, and terrorists to hijack us and run the show, we are powerfully on our own side and compassionately course-correct when needed.

Connection refers to living in right relationship with ourselves, with others, and with the natural and spiritual world.  Every single one of us needs connection – and it’s something we must actively, regularly cultivate across those domains.  To maintain deep connection, we regularly check in with ourselves, others, spirit, and nature to reaffirm and shift things as needed.  We do this because feeding these relationships nourishes us.  (Note that ‘spirit’ and ‘spiritual’ = that connection with something greater than us, however you personally define it.)

Belonging takes this a step deeper.  It’s that settled, felt sense of acceptance and of being truly at home, in one’s body and in the world.  Belonging comes from strong self-trust: believing that you consistently operate in your own best interests.  I’ve worked with many clients who struggle with feeling untethered or alienated, even if they have relationships with others.  As an adoptee, I resonate with that: much of my journey has been cultivating this deeper state of belonging, and it’s been the most valuable work I’ve done.

Last, but not least is Joy – because life is meant to feel GOOD! We live in a ridiculously incredible world that we get to explore via our senses.  Chocolate, massages, music, sunsets!  While learning how to gracefully navigate life’s pain is certainly important, it’s just as critical that we fully dive into the good times, making it a habit to notice, cultivate, and savor as much joy as possible in all its forms – like humor, love, wonder, awe, fun, silliness, and laughter.

As Diane Ackerman said, “I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” 

Consider this your invitation to live far and super-wide. 

Wayfinding Together

For this journey of self-discovery and transformation, I offer individual coaching, classes, workshops, and retreats.  These programs may be held virtually or in-person.  Some are live, and others are self-paced.  You can see some examples on the Programs page and link to find out more. 

The easiest place to start is scheduling a free, 20-minute call with me. We can get to know one another and explore how I can help you cultivate more personal mastery, connection, belonging, and joy. 

I can’t wait to see how you live one wild and precious life!